Shooting HUNDErtblicke - Sambo

Shooting at HUNDErtblicke

Moor shooting on January 19th, 2019

Magdalena Stockschläder has staged Sambo stunningly.


Although we had to cope with icy temperatures, visible debris, sled dog feeding along with howling and several climatic challenges we have experienced a wonderful photo shooting at HUNDErtblicke, Magda Stockschläder. Gigantic weather and Magda's skills have created the following photos distributed throughout this homepage.

Put into perspective

Our unique Sambo has been put into a perfect light, he has done everything well and decent. Despite the wild-enticements he has become a wonderful statue. In between, he has speeded up and Madga has also captured these moments wonderfully. Look for yourself!
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